Tips and Tricks for Styling Your Little One’s Natural Curls

North West curly hair

Are you the proud mama of a little with natural curls? Curls are adorable on little ones, but it’s important to teach kids how to properly care for their curls. Kim Kardashian recently got a jump start on learning how to style North West’s curls with help from some stylist friends (see more of North’s stylish curly ‘dos here) It’s never to early to start proper haircare techniques so we’ve brought you some suggestions on good hair care for littles.

1. How to wash: The tub is the perfect place to start when your kiddo is still little enough, but once they get older consider transitioning them to the kitchen sink. Allow your little one to lie back on the counter with their head over the sink and grab a pool noodle or rolled up towel for comfort and support. This technique results in less tears for her and a lot less stress for you!

2. Keep them busy: Washing and styling curly hair can take a lot of time. Little kids aren’t usually big fans of sitting still, so help them out. A favorite game or show on a tablet is a perfect way to distract your little one during the process.

3. Time for styling: Pick the best time of the day for your little one to style her hair. If your kiddo is fussy or cranky in the evenings, mornings might work better. Washing and styling somewhere between once a week and every other week seems to work well for both mom and toddler.

4. Develop a routine: If your little one has coily or kinky curls, getting them used to protecting their hair while sleeping is crucial. Good habits start young, so teach your little how to cover or wrap their curls. Let them pick out a special bonnet or wrap and incorporate curl wrapping into part of your nightly routine. After awhile, it will become habit.

Mamas of little curlies, what tips and tricks do you use to make styling easier? Let us know and check out more on what works (and doesn’t) with kids with curly hair here .