How To Adapt The Curly Girl Method For Waves

If you have wavy hair, you probably already know getting your strands to hold their shape can be tricky. Most wavy hair tends to be a bit finer, and can be weighed down by regular products. Additionally, the methods out there for managing curly may or may not actually work well for your hair. However, here’s how to adapt the Curly Girl Method for waves. Gives these tips and tricks a try, and let us know what you think.

How To Adapt The Curly Girl Method For Waves


While the Curly Girl Method instructors users to toss out their hair brushes, those with wavy hair don’t necessarily have to to do so. While you don’t want to rake a brush through your hair all the time, there are some that can be useful for wavier strands. Wide toothed combs and brushes with wider set bristles can actually be very useful. This can be helpful for working through knots or tangles, as well as moving natural oils down your hair shaft.


Many curly girls use gel to hold their curls in place, but that isn’t going to work for you. Gels can be too heavy and create a cast that once broken, won’t hold your waves in place. Therefore, you’ll want to start with a lightweight curl mousse to help your strands stay in place. After applying a mousse throughout and scrunching upwards, you’ll need to let your strands dry. You might find your waves actually have a bit more bounce and movement this way than being dragged down by gel.


If you want volume at your roots, that’s going to take a bit more effort than it might for your curly haired friends. Unfortunately, you don;t have the texture of curls to help life your strands closer to the scalp. However, it can be accomplished with a bit of effort. If you want more lift at your roots, you can do a few different things. Root clipping, or diffusing can be really help to help your roots achieve more lift. After your strands are done drying, you can also add some dry shampoo or texture spray to help you get more volume.


While the raking technique works great for some, it probably isn’t going to work well for you. When applying product, avoid raking it through your delicate strands. This will break up your natural hair pattern, and cause your clumps to drop out. This means your strands won’t be defined and you’ll probably end up with a frizzy mess. Instead, take your hair by clumped sections, and slide the product down your curls to apply evenly, then scrunch upwards.