Best Practices For Caring For 3c Curls×296.png

There is a lot of information out there about how to care for curls, but sometimes it can be kind of general. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes you need something that’s just for your hair. These are best practices for caring for 3c curls. Give these suggestions a read, and let us know if you use any of them.

Best Practices For Caring For 3c Curls

Stretch your curls: instead of using a curling iron or flat iron, you can stretch your curls using a perm rod. It will help give you length and hold your curls in place without damaging your strands.

Pineapple: before hitting the hay, you need to take care of your curls to prevent damage. Pile your curls on top of your head, and pineapple them to protect them overnight.

Wash weekly: rather than washing your strands daily, try using a low poo once a week to cleanse your curls instead of shampooing every day. This will help prevent your strands from drying out and you’ll still have clean curls. Make sure to follow up with a deep conditioning treatment.

Use protein treatments: if you have low porosity curls, your strands will need some extra help. Therefore, you’re going to want to start using a protein treatment at least 1-2 times per month. This will help strengthen your strands to protect them damage.

Use the LOC method: if you aren’t sure how to protect your strands, consider trying the LOC method. This will help you manage your strands, and keep them healthy.