Easy, breezy curly hair

After a long time of not being able to get together with your stylist, we’re guessing you’re probably ready for a haircut. We sure are! Whether you’re ready for a big chop, or just thinking of a trim, having a hairstyle ready to go for inspiration can help you make the most out of your long-awaited trip to the salon. Give these easy, breezy curly haircut s a look through and see if there’s any you’d like to try.

Easy, breezy curly hair


You might not be ready to go in for a big chop, and that’s ok. After several months on the couch, your curls and the ends are probably in need of some TLC as well. Asking your stylist to take off a few inches without removing a lot of length can help totally refresh your look, while still helping your maintain your length. Your curls will be much healthier.


Braids are one of the best ways to help your curls grow out or recover from damage. If you haven’t been able to take care as much as you’d like, than you might want to think about having your stylist put in some braids. This will give you an updated look, and give your curls a chance to rest while you figure out what you want to do with them next. These gorgeous braids showcase your curl’s texture while still protecting your strands from the elements.


A great and easy way to update your look is to ad in some highlights. Ask your stylist to go very light for highlights that’ll look great and fresh all through the summer. Remember to update your stylist if you did any at home chemical treatments over the last year, so your stylist can make an informed decision about how to treat your curls.