What to Remember When Dealing With Your Natural Curls

natural curls


Finding the best ways to manage your natural curls can be tough. While each curl type has its own unique needs, there are certain things to remember when embracing your natural curls. Managing your curls depends on their strength, the products you use, your styling skills and knowledge of curl care. For some curly haired girls, the stars align perfectly and they are able to embrace their natural curls with no problems. For others, the transition can be a little less smooth. If you’re struggling to manage your curls, remember these following 5 things:

1. You’re still learning: Styling your curly hair can take years to master. If your curls have been relaxed, straightened and dyed, it can be a long time before they are healthy again. If you’re working towards having natural curls, consider keeping a hair journal. This will allow you to keep track of what products and techniques work, points where you struggle and what’s working for your curls.

2. Know your resources: While natural hair is seeing a surge in popularity, most products and styling techniques are geared towards straightening curls out. While most stylists know how to manage straight hair, it can be a challenge to find one knowledgeable in curl care. While it can be frustrating, do your research to find a good stylist and regime that works for your curls. Knowledge is power!

3. Natural curls are healthy curls: When your curls are in their natural state, they are at their healthiest. Natural curls have not been treated with harsh chemicals and thus the strength is not compromised. It is much easier to moisturize and cleanse natural curls, which keeps your scalp healthier.

4. Your curls are unique: For years natural curls have been viewed as a problem to be solved. Natural texture has been changed and restructured, causing serious damage to curls and to women’s perceptions of their hair. Your curls are a unique part of who you are and your own beauty. Embracing your curls helps you exude confidence, and makes you a role model to other women!

5. Ask for help: You don’t have to go this journey alone! Reach out to other curly haired women who have mastered their locks and ask for their help. While the internet is full of helpful DIY tips, you might need the help of a professional stylist to get your best curls. Find a stylist who is experienced in natural curl care and ask for their guidance and help.

Interested in more tips? Check them out here ! What would you recommend to other women who are learning to embrace their natural curls? Let us know.