• pinterest.com I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to wait, especially when it comes to curl growth. I’ve been growing my curls out for several years now and I’m always down for any tips or tricks to make them grow faster. Healthy curls will mean stronger curls, which will allow you to gain length more quickly. While most hair grows 1/2 inch a month, there are lots of techniques out there to push your hair to grow faster.

  • pinterest.com For many curlies, falling in love with your own curls is part of the process of embracing your hair. Society has often taught curlies that in order to fit in, they need to have straight hair. While we know this isn’t true and that curly hair is just as gorgeous as other textures, sometimes we need a little extra boost! Check out these tips and tricks for how to love your natural curls.

  • naturallycurly.com Have you wondered what it would be like to live overseas and how you’d care for your naturally curly hair? The Netherlands offers a wide variety of diverse cultural experiences and interestingly, up to 49% of the people living there have naturally curly hair. As most of us know, curly hair has seen a surge of acceptance in the last five to six years. Before 2010, we didn’t often see women rocking their natural curls.

  • We grow up being told that long, curly hair is beautiful hair. Length signifies health and youth. Myths surrounding hair teach us that men prefer long hair on women and that you need a certain face shape to carry off a shorter style. When we start growing our natural hair out, many of us strive for length, sometimes even checking weekly to see just how much our curls have grown. However, if your long hair isn’t healthy, than it isn’t worth it in the long run.

  • i.pinimg.com We don’t know about you, but we are all about getting more time back for things we want to do. Whether it’s sleeping, eating, or going to the gym, you don’t want to spend all of your time taking care of your curls. Here’s the lazy way to get great, fantastic, and fabulous curls with minimal effort. Correct washing technique: Avoid washing your curls at night in favor of washing them in the morning.

  • pinterest.com If you’re beginning the process of transitioning to your natural curls, you might experience some frustrations along the way. For curlies who have spent years straightening their curls, it can be quite the journey back to their natural curls. We want to make the process as easy for you as possible, so here’s what you need to know when transitioning to natural curls. Have patience. It’s going to be a process to reclaim your natural curls.

  • I.pining.com Have you ever felt as if there’s something off with your curls, but you just aren’t sure what it is? Use this handy cheat sheet to determine if your curls need some help and what to do about it. Overly moisturized: If your curls are overly moisturized, they might feel frizzy, dry and overly elastic. When wet, your curls feel mushy and limp. When you style your curls, they don’t hold well and tend to fall flat quickly.

  • popsugar.com With all of the amazing pastel hair color creations floating around on Instagram, it’s hard not to develop some curl envy! It seems as though tons of curly girls are taking the plunge and are walking out of the salon with some gorgeous colors, from silvery purples to gorogeous sunset hues. It might be tempting to book an appointment with your colorist, but before you do, make sure you’re prepared to make the best decision for your curls.

  • www.hairstyle.guru When it comes to caring for and maintaining your curly hair, there are a lot of helpful tips and suggestions out there. There can be a lot of different, contradicting information about what you should or shouldn’t do to get healthy, fabulous and amazing curls, so figuring out what you should do can be overwhelming. You are the only one who can figure out exactly what works for you and your curls, however, if you don’t follow anything else, we recommend you consider considering this tip .

  • short-haircut.com Whenever you turn on the TV, you’re bombarded with ads showing you what unhealthy hair looks like. Commercials can have us scrambling to check our curls to see if they’re unhealthy. If you’ve spent hours scouring your ends for splits and breakage or checking your scalp for dandruff, you’re not alone! However, we thought it might be nice to know the signs of healthy curls so you can plan your visits to the salon and wash days accordingly.

  • pinterest.com If you have a curly kid, you’ve probably dealt with a lot of frustrations your own curls brought to you. Only now it’s on another human being who you’re responsible for caring for. When it comes to figuring out the reasons why your little’s curls aren’t growing to the length you want them to be at, you might want to start at the beginning; are their curls moisturized enough?

  • https://i.pinimg.com/236x/fc/b3/ef/fcb3ef317ed8c8835535f854f60d8744.jpg Keeping your curls moisturized is one of the long term problems curly girls experience. Since curls are naturally inclined to be drier, it’s important to assist your curls. Therefore, you should give these tips and tricks a try, and see if it makes life a bit easier for you. Keeping your curls moisturized Use honey: During the drier times of year, hack your deep conditioner by adding honey to the mixture.

  • limeroad.com When you have curly hair, frizz is just a part of life. That being said, frizz can be really annoying to deal with. If you’re hoping for a frizz free summer season, check out these tips on how to style your curls to keep frizz to a minimum. What causes frizz? Understanding what causes frizz is half the battle. Frizz is created when curls become dehydrated through styling or lack of moisture.

  • standardmedia.co.ke For women with naturally curly hair, it can be a struggle to get and maintain soft, healthy curls. If you’re wondering how you can have bouncy, easy to style curls, we’ve got you covered! Check out our tips and tricks for achieving your best curls and let us know what works best for you. Hydrate: Healthy curls start from the inside out. Make sure you’re eating a healthy diet, and drinking plenty of water.

  • i.pinimg.com As much as we want to deny it, winter is here. With winter comes snow, ice, wind and lots of cold weather! As pretty as it can be, winter can be really tough on your delicate curls. One way to combat breakage and frizz is to keep your curls well moisturized. This can be tough to do so here are our suggestions on how to manage the moisture levels in your curls this winter.

  • i.pinimg.com Do you have curly hair that’s constantly in a state of extreme frizz? We feel you. Fighting frizz is an ongoing battle for most curly girls. Unfortunately, not all curl care products or routine work equally for all curlies. Learning your curl type and how to manage is half the battle when it comes to managing frizz. Here are some tips and tricks to help you manage frizz.

  • www.pinterest.com When it comes to curl growth, the more you know the better! There are a lot of tips and tricks out there to help you grow longer curls. One of the best ways is to start with nutrition. If your body isn’t getting the right nutrition it can be difficult for it to produce healthy curls. Adding fruits and veggies into your diet doesn’t have to be a chore, though.

  • naturallycurly.com Type 2 wavy curls has a wide variety of types that it covers, with patterns from A-C types. With such a wide variety of curl types, Type 2 curls are often misunderstood. While most Type 2 curlies end up treating their hair more like straight hair, they don’t realize they should be treating their hair more like tighter curls. While learning to care for your waves can be frustrating, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

  • i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/7e/17/fa7e17d625ff11dc4ea31fd7baa9aeae.jpg There are a lot of reasons your edges might not be growing well. If you’ve been chemically treating your curls, that could be a big factor. Edges are generally quite fine, and therefore more prone to breakage. As a result, they need more tender loving care to grow. Here’s how you can grow your edges. If these tips work for you, please let us know. We love hearing from you!

  • How To Wash Your Curls Less How To Wash Your Curls Less It’s not a huge secret that going for a few days between washes can vastly help your curls. Since curls are naturally dry, excess washing can strip them of their natural oils. However, many curly girls find that several days between washes can leave their hair looking dirty or dull. Here’s how to wash your curls less.