Have you ever felt as if there’s something off with your curls, but you just aren’t sure what it is? Use this handy cheat sheet to determine if your curls need some help and what to do about it.
Overly moisturized:
If your curls are overly moisturized, they might feel frizzy, dry and overly elastic. When wet, your curls feel mushy and limp. When you style your curls, they don’t hold well and tend to fall flat quickly.
How to fix it:
Add protein treatments into your curl care regime to add strength and structure to your curls. You’ll know you need to do a deeper protein treatment if your curls are snapping very easily. If you notice your curls still have some stretch but don’t break, you can do a lighter protein treatment to help re balance your curls.
Too much protein:
Your curls snap and break very easily, feels rough, brittle or straw-like. It has very little stretch without immediately snapping and breaks when its wet or dry.
How to fix it:
Start adding moisture back into your curls. This can be by making sure you’re drinking plenty of water, eating water rich foods and using a deep conditioner, leave in conditioner and spiriting your curls regularly with water to keep them hydrated. Before doing a treatment, make sure you clarify your curls, which will remove excess protein build up. Try to avoid products that have protein until your curls are rebalanced. Select water based products which will help restore moisture to your strands.
Well balanced curls:
If your curls have some stretch but still bounce back to their original shape without breaking and holds style, congratulations! Your curls are most likely well balanced, which is the goal for all curlies. Clearly you’re doing something right, so continue maintaining a good balance of protein and moisture. Keep an eye on your curls and if you notice a change, adjust your regime accordingly.