Use This Rice Mask For Thicker, Fuller Curls

curly hair

Having long, strong, and thick curls is the goal of many naturalistas. Some curlies get annoyed with their curls when it seems as though they can’t do much to encourage their thinner, more fragile locks to stop breaking and to grow long. Sometimes a change in diet, increase in exercise and hydration can help. If you’ve already tried this, you can also consider using this homemade rice mask for thicker, fuller curls.


2 cups of water

½ cup of uncooked white rice

4 tablespoons of aloe vera

4 tablespoons of olive oil

What to do:

Rinse the rinse in cold water to remove any dust or inpurities.

Soak the rice in the water for 2 hours

Swirl the rice in the bowl to release any extra nutrients before draining the rice water into a bowl. Throw away the rice

Add the aloe vera and olive oil. Mix until fully incorporated

Pour the mix into an empty, clean spray bottle

How to use:

Your mixture will stay fresh for up to 5 days. You can use it by shaking the bottle well to mix it up and then spritzing throughout your curls. Massage it into your scalp using your fingertips using firm but gentle pressure for 5 minutes. Allow the mixture to sit on your curls for up to 30 minutes. You can cover it with a plastic cap and use it up to 2 times per week. Rinse and enjoy your healthier curls!