Make your own curl care cream today

While staying at home, it’s easy to let your curl care routine slide. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! Even if you can’t get out to the stores to pick up your favorite curl care products, you might want to consider making your own curl care cream. Not only is this super easy to make, you can then customize your curl care cream to make it perfect for your own curls. Here’s how you can make your curl care cream today. Give this DIY product a try, and let us know if you love it!

Make your own curl care cream today

What you’ll need:

8 oz of organic shea butter

4 oz of organic coconut oil

1/2 cup of aloe vera juice or gel (gel will make a thicker product)

1 tablespoon each of castor oil, and jojoba oil

10 drops essential oil of choice. Some great choices are rose, bergamot, peppermint, lavender, or chamomile. You can mix and match for the scent, and the result you want.

What to do:

This product couldn’t be easier to make! You’ll need a jar or a container with a good seal to store it in. Start by gentle melting the shea butter and the coconut oil together. Once softened, place the shea butter and coconut oil in a bowl. Using a stand mixer or a hand mixer, blend together until it becomes whipped. Then, add in the aloe vera gel, continuing to mix. Then, add in the oils one at a time. Whip until the ingredients are fully incorporated. Scoop out of the bowl, and put them into the jar. Store in a cool, dry place, and mix up as needed.

When you’re ready to style your curls, you can apply the products throughout your strands. Focus on dryer spots and apply by using the prayer method to make sure you’re covering your curls evenly. Then, scoop your hands and push upwards. This will allow your curls to form, allowing them to come together. Congrats! You’ve made your very own curl care product.