How Can You Best Moisturize Your Curls?

curly hair

Whether you’re a newbie to the natural curl care game or a veteran curly girl, odds are you know how important moisture is to maintaining healthy curls. Despite your best laid plans, efforts and styling products, there are still going to be some days when you lose your battle to the dreaded frizz. If you find your curls a dry mess, don’t despair! Here are a few easy tips to help you learn how to best moisturized your curls.

Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV is a jack of all trades when it comes to curl care. After you’ve cleansed your curls, you can use ACV as a rinse to close your cuticles back down again and help clarify them.

Mix up your deep conditioners: Treat yourself to a couple of different deep conditioners designed with curls in mind. If your curls are getting too “used” to a certain type of product, use a different one. Experiment with different weights, ingredients and brands to find which work best for you.

Use silk or satin: Especially during the winter months, don’t let your head hit the pillow without being protected by a silk or satin case, or a satin cap. Satins provide slip, which allow your curls to move across the surface without tearing and they don’t wick away moisture like cotton does.

Don’t go too long between washes: Many of us curlies are guilty of going a long time between washes (my most recent streak was 12 days). Don’t go too long without cleansing your curls to remove excess product and build up. You can prepoo before cleansing or even use a cowash if you don’t want to stress your curls.

Hydrate like it’s your job: Healthy curls start from within! Make sure your body is well moisturized by drinking plenty of water. If you hate the taste of plain water, flavor it with a little bit of fruit juice or lemon and lime.