How to Have Beautiful Second Day Curls

second day curls

Have you ever wondered how to have beautiful second day curls? Curls can be tricky to handle on day one, but once they’ve been tied back, slept on, and messed around with, it can feel like a lost cause. Rather than washing your curls daily, consider refreshing your second, third, or even fourth day curls! Cutting down on washes will help your curls look fabulous while minimizing damage. This means your curls will grow longer and stronger more quickly.

To refresh second day curls, you can make your very own DIY curl refreshing spray right at home! Here’s the recipe and how to use it:

Second Day Curl Refreshing Spray:

What you’ll need:

  • Spritzing bottle
  • Conditioner
  • Gel
  • Oil
  • Filtered water
How To Make The Spray For Second Day Curls:
  • Fill spritzing bottle 1/4 of the way with your moisturizing conditioner to moisturize dry strands
  • Add in 3 tablespoons of gel to hold curls after they dry
  • Add 1 tablespoon of whatever natural oil works well for your hair. Some good choices include almond, jojoba, olive, or fractionated coconut oil. This will allow your curls to retain the added in moisture by sealing down your strands.
  • After all the ingredients have been added to the bottle, fill almost to the top with filtered or distilled water. Allow enough room to be able to shake the bottle. Shake well into all the ingredients are mixed. You might need to shake it up when you use the spray.
How to use:

This product is ridiculously easy to use! On your in between days, shake up the spray bottle until all the ingredients are nice and mixed together. Flip your curls upside down and spray throughout your strands. Scrunch your curls while you’re spray to encourage them to bounce back into their natural pattern. Make sure you cover all the strands without drenching them with the product. Flip back and allow your newly rehydrated curls to dry!

Learn more about caring for your curls with DIY curl care products here: Try This DIY Mask For Longer, Stronger Curls