The Wash Day Routine You Need

The Wash Day Routine You Need

Are you feeling as though your wash day routine isn’t doing all it could for your curls? If so, you’re in the right place! Sometimes, wash day routines need to be refreshed. Therefore, it’s important to have an understanding of a good routine. Here’s the wash day routine you need. Give this routine a try, and let us know if it works for you. Don’t forget to share your tips and tricks with us as well.

The Wash Day Routine You Need

Pre poo and detangle:

Before you begin washing you need to prep your curls. This means you’ll need to do a pre poo, followed by a detangling. To pre poo, coat your curls in an oil of your choice, and massage it into your scalp. Then, gently detangle your strands with your fingers or a wide toothed comb. Cover curls, and allow the pre poo to sit for at least an hour before shampooing.

Use This Pre Poo To Grow Longer Curls

Cowash or shampoo:

After the hour is up, it’s time to decide how you plan to wash your curls. You may opt for a cowash, or decide to shampoo. For both processes, you’ll need to thoroughly saturate your curls with warm water. This will being breaking up dandruff and buildup, as well as soften your strands. Section your curls into 6-8 even sections. Then, you’ll need to wash your strands.

Apply the cowash or conditioner throughout your hair. Massage it directly into your scalp, using your finger tips. Then, work the product through your curls to your midshaft. Allow it to sit for a couple of minutes, and then let the warm water rinse it out of your curls.  Rinse with cool water.

Deep condition:

After the shampoo or cowash is rinsed out, use a thick, moisturizing deep conditioner to cover your curls. Allow this to sit for at least 30 minutes, or more, if your curls need the extra boost of moisture. You can also cover it with a plastic shower cap to keep the moisture in. Applying heat can be helpful.

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Finishing up:

After rinsing out the deep conditioner, use a towel or a t-shirt to remove excess moisture. Then, you can apply moisture back into your strands using the LOC method. Liquid, oil, and cream. After applying these styling aids, style your curls as you’d prefer.