Questions and answers about your curly hair

If you have curly hair, you probably have questions about how to take care of it. Curls come in all different shapes, textures, and sizes. Therefore, it can take some time to wade through all the information out there about curls. Here are a few questions and answers about your curly hair to get you started.

How often should you wash?

While every hair type is different and everyone has individual needs, for healthy curls you might want to consider washing your hair less often. Curls are naturally prone to dryness, so to avoid this try to limit your wash days to once or twice a week.

Additionally, after washing you should always be following up with a conditioner to restore moisture, and help create slip. This is a great time to work on detangling your strands. Finally, make sure you’re regularly using a deep conditioner, probably about once a week to help keep your curls hydrated and cooperative!

How do you get great curls in the morning?

If you’ve gone to bed with great curls but woken up to a flat, frizzy mess, you’re definitely not alone. However, getting great curls is something that can happen without an excess of work. Before going to bed, take the time to care for your curls. Spritz your strands with water to hydrate them, and don’t be afraid to use a bit of leave in conditioner if needed. Then, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing some kind of protective style, such as a pineapple, braids, or twists. This will help your curls hold their natural shape overnight. In the morning, you can gently shake them out.

Can you use heat tools?

Heat tools can certainly be very helpful, especially for those who have curls that need a little touch up to help hold their shape. So yes, you can use heat tools, but they should also be in moderation. Heat tools can be damaging to strands, especially those that are delicate and fine. If you do use heat, make sure to keep it brief, and use a protecting spray before you hit your curls with the heated up tool.