How To Keep Your Curls From Breaking

How To Keep Your Curls From Breaking

When trying to grow out curls, nothing is more annoying than watching your strands break. Curls can be prone to breakage for a lot of reasons. Therefore, it’s important to understand why breakage happens and know what you can do about it.

Decrease heat:

While a nice hot shower followed by a blow dry can feel great, all of that heat can wreak havoc on delicate strands.  Instead of using heat all the time, do your best to scale back. For example, wash your hair in lukewarm water and rinse in cool. When blow drying, allow curls to dry to 50% before getting out the diffuser, or dry on a cooler setting.

Avoid wet styling:

When we’re in a rush, it can be tempting to rake a comb through wet curls and go. However, your curls are very fragile when sopping wet. Therefore, it’s best to consider allowing your strands time to dry before beginning to style. You can gently squeeze excess water out of your curls using an old t-shirt or a curl friendly microfiber towel to begin the drying process.

Loosen up:

Is there anything more chic than a classic, slick backed ponytail? If you’re the type to scoop your curls into an updo every day, you might want to consider loosening up on the tension you place on your scalp. Pulling curls too tight can loosen them at the roots, which will snap off baby fine hairs. This also slows growth. Mix up your styles every few days and don’t over pull your hair when putting in a protective style.

Eat well:

Curly hair or not, so many of us struggle with this! However, understanding the role eating well plays in our overall health is important. If you want your curls to be strong, you need to take care of them from the inside out. This means starting with a healthy diet.

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